Ep 3: "Mama has a business" - is combining entrepreneurship and raising four small children possible? with Lindsay Keller-Madsen

Episode 3 September 17, 2020 00:59:58
Ep 3: "Mama has a business" - is combining entrepreneurship and raising four small children possible? with Lindsay Keller-Madsen
Small Business Rising
Ep 3: "Mama has a business" - is combining entrepreneurship and raising four small children possible? with Lindsay Keller-Madsen

Sep 17 2020 | 00:59:58


Hosted By

Anna Niescieruk Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Show Notes

Have you ever created a rainbow-themed marketing plan in crayon while drawing with your kid? If the answer is no, then you definitely need to tune in for this episode - especially if you think that "you don't have enough time" for your business or passions,

Today we are going to talk with Lindsay Keller-Madsen, a Canadian independent book author and a founder of Little Otter Press publishing, who came today to the studio to share her story about origins of her Soulful Business 

She will also talk about her experience in launching a Kickstarter campaign (link here) to fund the first print of her book and to tell us if combining entrepreneurship and raising four small children even possible (hint: It is! - No enhancement substances required ;)


In this episode, you had a chance to listen to “Lay Down Your Gun" by Lazy Atomic Eye. If you like the song and would like to show some support, visit their website or share/buy her music here


Lindsay Kellar-Madsen has just launched her Kickstarter campaign in order to fund the first print out of her book! Let's support this superwoman, who wrote "The Lovely Haze of Baby Days" WHILE IN LOCKDOWN WITH 4 SMALL CHILDREN AT HOME (including 1-year-old twins)!
For all the moms and moms-to-be
"This is a new kind of board book, featuring beautiful illustrations depicting everyday moments moms share with their babies with a witty, but the candid text for the reader, mama! It gives little ones an early introduction to language through rhyme, and for mothers is a book of solidarity, to help them get through the tough days and the sleepless nights."
Yes! It's an amazing gift for a baby shower, baptism, or a first visit after the baby is born. So think about that new mom or mom-to-be in your circle of friends and buy her this amazing, locally produced book.
Link to Kickstarter here
Small Business Rising is a part of The 5 Options Radio Collective. To learn more please visit our website at https://the5options.com

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