Ep 19: Taste of Sicilly - A case of civil disobedience

Episode 19 December 17, 2020 00:30:00
Ep 19: Taste of Sicilly - A case of civil disobedience
Small Business Rising
Ep 19: Taste of Sicilly - A case of civil disobedience

Dec 17 2020 | 00:30:00


Hosted By

Anna Niescieruk Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz

Show Notes

We have recorded this show on 11th of December morning from Denmark, which was back then under freshly announced partial lockdown (update - now we have almost a full lockdown).

Among other things, this means that all the restaurants, bars, cafes and entire cultural life are currently shut down in 69 out of 98 municipalities in the country.

How should business owners react when their livelihood is in danger?

Today we discuss a very peculiar case of a little restaurant in Palmyra, Pennsylvania "Taste of Sicily" and talk about a scenario of civil disobedience as a survival strategy.

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